These are the top 5 Rebate Management challenges for Distributors and Wholesalers


Rebate Management is a challenge for all CPG supply-chain stake holders.  These are the top 5 for Distributors and Wholesalers using NetSuite:


Challenge #1: We need a solution to manage trade promotion we receive from our suppliers AND  the rebates we give our customers.

  • SolutioniTPM manages trade promotion from any stakeholder perspective, including trade promotion as an expense and as income.

Challenge #2: We have no way to verify did we get all the rebates we earned?

  • SolutionKnow what  rebates you’ve earned, what you’ve claimed, what’s been paid, and how much is still outstanding.

Challenge #3: We don’t know what rebates aren’t paid and could be claimed by our retailers.

  • SolutionTrue closed-loop provides visibility for trade promotion as income, and trade promotion as an expense:   Budget vs. Planned vs. Actual vs. Latest Estimate. vs. Earnings

Challenge #4: We don’t know true profitability by item, by supplier, by event and by customer.  Rebates we get aren’t mapped back to the correct supplier, item, and rebates our customers short-pay aren’t mapped back to the promotional event and items.

  • SolutioniTPM maps trade promotion back to the event and products to provide profitability insights including all rebates and allowances.

Challenge #5: Third-party TPM solutions are expensive and difficult to implement,  taking up to a year to implement.

  • Solution: iTPM is the ONLY TPM solution built inside NetSuite.   Implementation, training and configuration takes 4 weeks or less!