iTPM is a Native SuiteApp software solution that helps companies manage trade funds 100% inside NetSuite!
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Plan Trade Promotions
iTPM (Version 24.2) Features
Create Deals for your customers and products.
Workflow approvals provide financial controls.
Option to start in Excel, import to NetSuite.
Use historical data for more accurate deal planning.
Automatically updates all metrics for real-time visibility.
Option for iTPM to directly apply discounts to NetSuite sales orders.
Always know estimated vs. actual vs. latest-estimated spending, including all unpaid but incurred bill-backs.

Deduction Management
iTPM (Version 24.2) Features
Match the trade promotion deduction to the promotion for more accurate reporting of net outstanding deal liability.
A better way to process, manage and resolve deductions and short-pays. (trade and non-trade)
Allocates claims and settlements to items for more accurate historical P&Ls.
Workflow and KPIs help speed short-pay resolution and identification of invalid claims.

Event-Based Accruals & Log
iTPM (Version 24.2)
Automated Event-based promotional accruals help you anticipate you what you owe but haven't paid.
KPIs include Accruals, Estimated spend, Latest Estimate (LE), actual spending and more.
Helps prevent under and over accruing by knowing net-outstanding deal liability by event, customer, & product.

Post-Promotion Analysis
iTPM (Version 24.2)
Plan and analyze using base and incremental volume.
Analyze Estimated vs Actual and other KPIs by customer, event and item.
Learn from past deals to plan better deals that generate more sales and profit.
Use NetSuite Workbooks for real-time promotion KPIs on your dashboard, not in Excel silos.
Promotion KPIs by customer, event, item, and by NetSuite period.